e-Learning Days 

What are e-Learning days?
e-Learning days are instructional days that are conducted in an online/distance learning format when there is inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstance (waterline break, no power, etc.) where the school building needs to be closed.

How many days can be e-Learning days?
The school can use up to five days in one school year.  These days are counted as instructional days and included in the hours of instruction.

How will student attendance be verified?
Attendance must be taken by the teacher and records of attendance must be kept. Some ways attendance could be verified include:  
*  Logging in to class page(s) on the district’s/school’s learning management system (LMS). 
* Email exchange/text exchange/phone call with teacher. 
* Parent may verify attendance; a documentation process is developed and retained by the school as part of the student’s attendance record.  
* Activity in classes (pages accessed, discussion participation, formative assessments completed).  
* Work submitted during the e-Learning day.

What are suitable accommodations for students without sufficient access? 
All students must have similar learning experiences in terms of subject matter, task difficulty, and interaction with peers and their teacher(s). Tasks must be completed during the regular hours of the eLearning day. Students without access cannot be required to make-up the work on another day. Students may use physical texts or books and may handwrite their work, but those resources would have to be available at home. Teachers must contact students by telephone to conference with students, assess and support their learning.

What are some examples of quality e-Learning? 
Quality e-Learning experiences:  
* Integrate as seamlessly as possible into the regular instruction that has been occurring. Avoid generic, out-of-context tasks. Tasks should be meaningful and important to students.  
* Leverage digital tools students are using as part of their regular instruction (i.e., Schoology or other LMS, Google Docs, apps).  
* Include formative assessment and feedback.  
* Provide opportunities for peer interaction.  
* Include active instruction by teachers, monitoring progress and providing feedback, facilitating, coaching, clarifying and adjusting the task, and suggesting next steps.  
* Include the option for the class to meet synchronously via video chat like Google Hangouts,Zoom, etc.

Can an e-Learning day be a homework catch-up day? 
To be counted as an instructional day for students, teachers will engage in some form of instruction with their students. This can take on many forms (see above) but fundamentally, means that there will be some level of interaction, progress monitoring, and/or feedback between teachers and students.

Do students have to participate in e-Learning for all scheduled classes? 
Students are expected to participate in e-Learning activities for all scheduled classes on the day the plan is implemented just as they would for a traditional, on-campus day.  Attendance must be verified for each class. Students who do not participate in planned activities are considered absent for those class(es) and should be reported as absent just as if they were not present for an on-campus class.

Can families choose to opt out of e-Learning days? 
Students whose family chooses to not participate in the e-Learning day are reported as absent. It is up to the school whether to consider this an excused absence under Minnesota Statutes, section 120A.22, subdivision 12.

What if I do not have internet access at home?
ERATS provides hotspots to students that have poor internet access or do not have internet access at home.  Hotspots are “rented” by the student at the beginning of the school year and returned at the end of the year.  This is a free service to students.

What if my student has an IEP/504 Plan?
Students with disabilities under chapter 125A and meet the needs of each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP)/504 plans will have accommodations and accessible digital instruction as per the plan.

How will I be notified of e-Learning days?
Parents/guardians, students, and staff will be notified using the automated calling system.  The information will also be posted on the school’s Facebook page and school website.  Calls and information will be made with as much advance notice as possible. 
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to let the front office know if emails, phone numbers, and addresses change.

When are teachers and school staff available on e-Learning days?
Teachers and school staff will be available via email or telephone during normal school hours.